The leather used in my hair accessories are made from leather that I have acquired from a famous American made furniture company in North Carolina. The leather are leftover piece from the leather furniture products that would otherwise end up in our local landfills making this headband very eco friendly. These headbands are also available in my wholesale line.
As the weather starts to heat up so does my desire to dye and paint fabrics. I love using natural dyes and usually turn my patio into a dyeing studio with boiling pots of natural dyes and fabrics hanging everywhere to dry. My first batch of fabric is drying and waiting to be sewn into beautiful accessories for my Etsy shop.
Father's day is just around the corner. Although we love making handmade gifts for my husband, we also like to buy handmade gifts from artists as well. I have found some amazing items on Etsy (my second home) that could easily be the perfect gift for any dad.